Fund raiser for Kibena Women’s Association at Bishop’s University

Students from the Bishop's University School of Education and its Refugee Sponsorship Committee raised hundreds of dollars for KWA's work with orphans in Njombe at a gala supper event planned and presented by students and faculty of the School.

A four-course, African-inspired meal was served and entertainment provided throughout the evening. Prof Betty Kreuger's photos from her study trip to Ilula and Njombe in the summer of 2010 were displayed on screen. The theme of the evening was "Teachers for Hope". A powerful presentation on the power of hope, especially in the context of the helping professions was provided by the Dean of Students from Bishop's.

Two Bishop's School of Education students will be going this summer to volunteer at Hope School in Ilula to assist with the teaching of English as a second language. George Sanga from KYOFE (member organization of the Highlands Hope Umbrella) will work with them as well.