Montreal Elementary School Supports Highlands Hope

The elementary students of St. George's School in Montreal have donated more than $2,400 to support Highlands Hope nursing leader Betty Liduke's visit to Canada this summer and to purchase laboratory technology to improve testing for pediatric AIDS in Njombe.

The students chose to support the work of Highlands Hope after reading a report in the Montreal newspaper The Gazette by political cartoonist Terry Mosher.

"We were all touched by the situation in Njombe and Makete," said St. George's teacher Lynn Gallaro. "Each year our students prepare for Earth Day by holding a fund raising drive. This year our theme is 'Make a Change, Bring some Change' and we decided to support the link between Montreal and Highlands Hope."

The donation was made to the McGill Nurses for Highlands Hope Fund at the McGill University School of Nursing which is sponsoring Ms. Liduke's visit to Canada.

"This is incredible," said Madeleine Buck, Assistant Director of the McGill School of Nursing. "This donation is the most touching that we have received. Children helping children; they are clearly in tune with the world and their contributions will make a big difference in the lives of families in Njombe and in Makete District."

Ms. Buck accompanied a McGill University site visit team to Njombe, Ikonda and Bulongwa in January 2006. The School of Nursing will be welcoming Betty Liduke to Montreal after the AIDS 2006 Conference in Toronto. She will discuss the School's new focus on International Health and plan for closer links between McGill nurses and Highlands Hope personnel and volunteers.

Ms. Liduke will also visit St. George's school when she is in Montreal.

June 13, 2006.