PIUMA holds second financial management training course

PIUMA is committed to complete program and financial accountability and transparency. This is a reflection of its own commitment to fight corruption and inefficiency and their negative impact on the health care available for people in Makete District.

PIUMA held the second in a series of training workshops on financial management for volunteer leaders and staff in late December. Rayben Sanga, an accomplished professional accountant from Dar es Salaam, is a wakinga by birth who has worked tirelessly over the years to help his home region of Makete. He is also a Trustee and member of the Advisory Committee of PIUMA.

"It was a very nice and effective training," said Jackson Mbogela, former Coordinator of PIUMA and current Trustee. "Our leaders are better prepared to make budgets, to prepare and review books and financial reports, and to plan for the budget needs of the organization."

PIUMA is committed to the recognition of decent health care as a basic human right, especially in the fight against HIV which is ravaging the Ukinga, and is proud to share in Tanazania's historic democratic traditions of local leadership and decision-making.